
We provide programs that adapt to any sport and any fitness level; including balance, body awareness, and strength and endurance.

Beginner Fitness for Sport Dogs

Saluki running

Whether you show conformation, rally, obedience or coursing, this course teaches you how to build a strong foundation for your dog.

Spots are limited!

Learn foundation basics and earn your AKC FIT DOG Certificate!

Let’s Get Ready to Run!

Walking to the coursing starting line with Ibizan hound

This program is for people who want to take on the sport of coursing with their dog, safely. Learn about basic fitness for your dog, the equipment required to train and compete, and what a day of coursing looks like. Upon completion you will have an understanding of the sport, a list of resources to help you on your way, and an understanding of what a fitness program can do to help you and your dog get ready to run.


Confirmation with Saluki

This package is our greatest value. You get the comprehensive overview of basic fitness and weekly call access, as well as receiving a one-on-one phone consultation and dog assessment, and a personalized fitness program for your dog to take them to the next level of performance.

  • Personalized Fitness Program

  • Weekly coaching call or web meeting

  • Initial consultation and dog assessment via phone or web

A la Carte

Ibizan hound coursing.png

These items can be added to any program or booked individually as needed.

  • Phone consultation and dog assessment

  • One on one call

  • Personalized fitness program